Aih trip paling seronok gile ~ pegi sane mmg had fun sepanjang masa. Tq semua sbb byk bg kejesama masa nk exhibition n sepanjang kat sane!
i will never ever ever ever forget kepayahan n kesusahan kita sepanjang ni. Masa kita tetido tegolek golek kat studio buat kerja..n cabaran sbb group kita lelaki cume sorang. THX sbb berusaha jugak! Thx Filzah for sharing stories with me. Thx min, izzah, tajul, azza, mun, farah, wani!

hey hey we used to be like brothers n sisters... thx for everything and thx for the things we shared back then.. Sharifah Faatihah tq for being such a wonderful sis. I love you. To my dearest Shafawati ..I hope everything that I ever did that hurts u so bad will soon be forgotten and do know that I have no intentions what so ever to hurt u intentionally. Allah bless both of u always and forever.
Thank you so much for giving me d chance to be part of you. Thank you for all the time and love we shared together. Sorry for anything at all that I did wrong. Nina, Jannah, Izzah, Fizah, Helma, Ida, Yasmin, Dokte, Mael, thanx! i wish all u the best of luck and may Allah bless all of u.
Ayue ucop! Tq byk tolong i sepanjang kita praktikal..(aww touching).. Tq la utk sume2 bende u tolong i, denga i merepek repek, n lepak2 ngn am.. i sayang u (ahaks~).. Jadirah, Rukyah n Moon Thx sbb selalu bg melepak bilik n sedut2 movie. Aisya Aina, tq so much tolong masa wat projek paper. Maseh! Zul jgn marah aku selalu ejek ang mata kecik.Farah, jai, Aswad good luck!
ok sorry mencurik gamba korang.. haha.. nway min.. im gonna miss u lots lots lots lots lots lots n lots.. tq sbb byk amek berat n tak lupe call time sakit .. tq so much. ahhhhhhh *hug*.. buyang..ahhahah im gonna miss u too.. tq daling for everyhing. Nonie unnie.. tq sbb selalu je bg komen yg berterus terang..n thx thx .. Naddy.. thx for listening .. I will always always ingat ur advices and hey, im gonna miss u babe! nawar..thx for being so nice to me! all d best korang!
To d rest of u, Zalina, Filzah, Aulia, Zaleha, Fatima, Wani kedah, Wani kelate, Aini, Atul, Aida Adia, Ayumi, Raihan & GG, Rahimi, Zulhilmi, Mushi, wooo ramainye nk ingat, Azizee Rohimee, Abe, Hidayah, Ijat, Duan, Daus, Hanif, Fazli, Fido, Diba, Qla, n semua2 batch kita.. (takut ada terlupe).. TQ!
Saya nak wat clearance ngn awak semua. MINTA MAAF andai ada terkasar bahasa, terover mengarah, terlancang bahasa, tergedik perbuatan, tersakitkan hati, terpentingkan diri sendiri, terjelikkan mata, termenyampahkan atau ape ape je la.. saya harap kita dah CLEAR ye..? Good luck utk semua2 yang bakal anda semua lalui selepas ni..semoga berjaya mencapai impian masing2 dan semoga kita sentiasa diberkati Allah.amin
thanks kt zarin coz byk lead ktorg..huhuu..nk wat clearance jgk ngan zarin ek...
time kaseh renn..! sgt taching aww bace...=))
thanks ren! terharu baca!
nnt graduation day batch kita amek pic sme2 okayy :) nnt nk frame-kan. i'm gonna miss all of u.
lotsa love,
rain, bile mase ntah akak berterus terang tu.. part mana tu? ahhahahhahahahha
btw, same goes to me, thanks you n sorry for everything!!!!
Bayu consultant... muahahha! Tak tido 3 hari dgn baju kurungnya...bucuk....
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